Posts Tagged ‘Pippa’s Passing’


Friday, February 16th, 2024

    This will be a quick blahg with exciting news. New Photo of Scott HendersonMy novel, “Pippa’s Passing” is finally ready to order from Amazon.  I started writing the book in February 2022 and now, two years on, it’s been edited and fine tuned and ready for readers to take it on. 

   When I first started writing it, I published a blahg, PIPPA’S PASSING about two months into the writing process.   And in mid-June of 2022 in the blahg, SOME THINGS TO CELEBRATE…TEN YEARS ON I commented how I had finished writing my book.  Here’s what I said: 

I have been meaning to write this novel for ten years and finally started it in February of this year. It’s a hard process to describe. Once I had started, the characters began to speak to me and told me what to write. I had no conceived notions where the book was going at times but when I sat down each day, the words were there and formed the story. I’ve always had the beginning and ending over the last decade but I had not idea what direction it would take. I’m happy with it. Now I have to send it out to see if I can get it published.

I did send it out to a few publishers over the past couple of years but with no success.  The publishing market is probably flood every year with submissions and I guess I didn’t do a good enough job of promoting it to them.  So, I decided to go the Amazon route and have spent the last couple of months working on the format for both the Kindle electronic version and the paperback version. 

   The cover design for my book has always been based on my daughter Abbie’s artwork.  This is how the Kindle cover version will be displayed: 

Kindle cover for Pippa's Passing

When it came to the paperback version, Abbie and I consulted and thought a wrap around cover might look better.  We had to consider the spine and what text would be on the back.  The initial layout, as designed by Abbie, looked like this: 

possible wrap around cover

You can’t really read the back cover text but below are the front and back covers broken out and you can click on them to view a larger version. 

Pippa's Passing wraparound front

Pippa's Passing wraparound back

The proof copy of my book arrived last weekend.  Here’s what it looked like: 

Pippa's Passing proof copy

It took me all week to read through it at 385 pages.  I had to check every word and line.  Some of the software I used caused some formatting issues and of course I may have missed a quotation mark or odd comma or period.  I made no major changes but managed to tweak a little to make it even stronger.  Here’s a photo of me that Jeanette took when I first received the proof: 

Scott with Pippa's Passing Proof

I also made the bold decision to update my Facebook page with my real name and posted about my book being available through Amazon.  I’ve never had a public Facebook page before but if I want to promote my book then I have to get on with it. 

   What’s left to say?  Oh, I know, PLEASE BUY MY BOOK!  Here’s the link: 


Update:  Five author copies arrived on a snowy day in Canada:

I have also uploaded some videos of me promoting the book on YouTube and TikTok.  Here’s one of the YouTube videos:




Saturday, December 24th, 2022

     Three months ago today, I turned 60.  What is 60?  I know it’s twice 30.  30 years ago it was 1992 and Jeanette and I had moved back to the Belleville area from New Market.  We had our two year old daughter Emily with us.  Another 30 years on and we have three children and they’ve all graduated from University.  Emily is married to Charlie.  60 is also 3 times 20.  I turned 20 in my first year of University.  Frank Sinatra played Ottawa on September 11th of that year.  I would rather have been at that concert than have been at Trent in September.  That’s a long story I won’t retell.  Jeanette, my wife, and my diploma are the best things that ever happened to me at Trent.

     This blahg got sidelined for a few months.  I started writing this blahg in mid-October and now it’s December 23rd and I’m finally getting back to it.  It’s been an incredibly busy few months so I think I will wrap up the general theme and get back to the point of things.  When I started writing this two months ago I had plans to link it all to a poem I had written several years ago.  Let me post that poem then comment on everything.  This poem is from September 5, 1986: 

to old one

I imagine one day
I’ll be old —
and knowin’ me
one day will be about
all I can hack —
so I’m writin’ this to my old self
not what I was
but what I’ll be
for that one day

I’m tellin’ myself
to be happy
bein’ old
’cause maybe by then
I’ll have deserved that
but now I can’t accord any dignity
in addressin’ my old self
and this’ll only make sense
later on
to an old man

but old one,
that’s you or I mean me,
yer ruptured youth
is writin’ to you here
’cause we’re two different persons
you and me
and you know things
I’ve yet to comprehend
and you’ve forgotten things
I’ve yet to live
but that’s ’cause
yer memory and you
are old old one

and there was a time
when I needed you
to talk to me
and tell me
how I got by things or
over ’em or
through ’em
but that’d be cheatin’
and I matured into that truth

but old one
young one
still needs you
’cause I need to know
I’m still gonna be me
but old me
and someone new to talk to
if only in my mind
when we’re one

so know yer youth
old one
and keep in touch
or get in touch
with this
young one
who needs not to know
you’re old old one
but old enough to remember being
young once
and writing to
yer old self
to hear if
you stayed
long enough
to receive this poem
written by
yer young one once

   I wrote that poem more than 36 years ago.  I wasn’t married.  I didn’t have kids and I had yet to start any sort of career.  I think I was struggling to find out who I would be.  I imagined having the opportunity to talk to my old self and get reassurances I’d be okay or hints about what was to come and how to get through them.  I never got the hints.  I had to age through it all and figure it out for myself.  There were some rough spots but I’m still here and happily married with 3 great children and a son in law (and 3 cats) so I must have fared well. 

   So why did I get sidelined?  Well, my novel “Pippa’s Passing” has taken a great deal of my focus.  I haven’t found a publisher so I’m trying to do some promotion by releasing chapters online to read at a few sites.  My daughter Abbie has actually taken on this task.  First, I asked her to design a book cover.  I’m quite happy with it but Abbie is not as enthusiastic.  She tends to draw other things and in different styles so she thinks this isn’t her best work.  Here’s that cover, judge for yourself: 

There’s a rationale behind the image on the cover but you have to read the book to understand.  Here are links to sites where the first eight chapters have been posted.  New chapters are posted Tuesday and Fridays:

I also decided I wanted to create audio podcast versions of each chapter.  So far, I have completed 17 of the 20 chapters.  It would have been too costly to hire voice talent so I decided I would be the voice of the narrator and main character, Jeff “Pink” Carter.  This meant I had to find computer voices for all of the other characters.  I’m happy with most of the computer voices but I’m a perfectionist and I’ve had to mix in sound effects and music.  Elvis music features heavily in the entire book.  Here is the completed chapter six “Revelations At The Avocado House:”

I’ll continue to work on these and hopefully will find some way and somewhere to post all of them online.  I’m hoping this type of promotion might spark more interest in the book. 

   This will be my last blahg before Christmas 2022 and quite possibly my last blahg of this year.  I have no Christmas messages this year other than the same one I quote liberally each year from Sinatra:  “In this upcoming year, may we find peace in the world and peace among ourselves.”  Oh, and read my book!  Merry Christmas!


Saturday, June 18th, 2022

     Almost ten years ago, on July 16, 2012, I published a blahg called SOME THINGS TO CELEBRATE…FOR ME, ANYWAY.  I was going to sit down today and publish a new blahg about celebrating things when I thought of the old blahg.  Has it really been ten years since that blahg?  I’ll touch on a few things and compare it to the previous blahg but there’s some new things to celebrate this time around. 

   Ten years ago I touched on the fact that my wife and I had celebrated 25 years of marriage on May 30th, 2012.  Jeanette and I 32 years laterThis year, we made it even further to the 35 year mark.  It was a very quiet anniversary.  I brought home Swiss Chalet and we bought a new Epson printer.  I know, I’m still the romantic.  I don’t have a recent photo of the two of us together but the photo at left was taken two days after our 32nd anniversary on the occasion of our oldest daughter Emily’s wedding.  I think we look pretty good together and we’re still happy with each other…most of the time. 

   Another thing I celebrated in that blahg from ten years ago was the graduation of my daughter Abbie from Grade 8.  This past week, June 14th, 2022, Abbie graduated from York University in Toronto.  That’s a feat in itself because there hadn’t been in person graduation ceremonies the past two years due to Covid.  Below is a photo of her against the K & U in the York University sign. 

Abbie's Graduation 2022

The video below is of Abbie receiving her diploma, Bachelor of Fine Arts Magna Cum Laude, from the Chancellor or York University.  I had to record the video from my seat and aiming at a big screen.  They didn’t want us getting out of our seats to go up front and take photos or videos. 

I look forward to seeing Abbie’s next adventure and I’m sure her screenwriting ability will serve her well. 

   Now for some more personal celebrations for myself.  In 2020 I wrote four blahgs about the singer Linda Keene and traced her career through the media and included music files and a link to a rare acetate I had that she recorded for Gold Star in the early 1950s.  The blahg caught the attention of a jazz researcher by the name of James Harrod who put me in touch with Jordi Pujol with Fresh Sound Records. Linda Keene box set. They wanted to issue a two CD set of Linda Keene’s recordings and include my acetate.  I was also contracted by Jordi to write the liner notes.  Here are some pictures below of the set and some pages from the liner notes: 


Linda Keene set

Linda Keene page 1 liner notes


You can click on any of the links above for larger images and here’s the link to purchase the set from Fresh Sound Records:  I believe you can also order it from Amazon.

   The final thing I would like to celebrate is that after nearly ten years, I have finally written and completed my novel, “Pippa’s Passing.”  In my last bahg, from April, PIPPA’S PASSING, I had completed 13 chapters or 57,000 words.  The final count  was just over 116,000 and twenty chapters.  I spent a few weeks editing and doing some rewriting.  I redrafted the final chapter after I had an idea to make it stronger.  I’m very happy with it.  I have been meaning to write this novel for ten years and finally started it in February of this year.  It’s a hard process to describe.  Once I had started, the characters began to speak to me and told me what to write.  I had no conceived notions where the book was going at times but when I sat down each day, the words were there and formed the story.  I’ve always had the beginning and ending over the last decade but I had not idea what direction it would take.  I’m happy with it.  Now I have to send it out to see if I can get it published.  I’m thinking of Coach House Press which is a Canadian outfit that I’ve been aware of for many years.  I think their ideals and mine are well suited.  Wish me luck!  Coach House, if you’re reading this then know that I will be in touch. 

   That’s it for now.  Celebrate something of your own…even if it’s the new day.