Posts Tagged ‘2021’


Friday, December 24th, 2021

    Well, it’s December 23rd and I’m glad to say the 2021 Dead From The Neck Up Christmas Special is in the can. Santa ScottIn my last blahg, BUILDING A CHRISTMAS SPECIAL, I posted the sketches I had written and posted my reads on each of them.  I mentioned that I was working on an additional sketch but that one didn’t come together.  I did manage to write one more sketch called “Roy’s Poultry Outlet”.  That is the last sketch in the Christmas special.  I think Stephen Dafoe nailed Roy’s voice in that one. 

   Here’s the new special: 

   I liked Stephen’s vocals and I had to record Bryan in person this year.  I’m fairly happy with the show.  It’s tough writing, recording vocals, mixing vocals, and adding all of the music and sound effects.  Two years in a row have me wondering if I want to do this again next year.  Last year was unique because we hadn’t done this in 25 years but I had so much fun I decided we should do it again this year.  Next year?  Too early to tell. 

   Well, that’s it for my quick blahg for this Christmas season.  Merry Christmas everyone!


Saturday, January 16th, 2021

    Today is January 16th, 2021 and this is my first official blahg for the year.Scott Henderson is still cool in 2021 I have actually filmed two videos this year and they are going to be the bulk of this blahg.  I mention some Dvds and books, and records in the actual False Ducks Video Blahg #4 but I’m not going to detail that information here.  I’m going to save all of that for another blahg.  That way I get two blahgs out of the same information.  Clever and frugal! 

   The first video I shot this year was actually shot by my wife.  It’s of my daughter Abbie and I doing the Polar Dip at North Beach in Prince Edward County, Ontario, Canada on New Year’s Day, January 1st, this year 2021: 


   The next video I made was actually a remastering of the video I made to accompany the audio of “The Dead From The Neck Up 25th Anniversary, Covid 19, Quarantine Special.”  I should have added the word “Christmas” somewhere in there because it was a Christmas comedy special.  I wasn’t totally happy with the mix on our special and I fixed a couple of flubs I made and punched up the sound effects on one sketch and normalized the audio on others.  I’ve left up the old version on Youtube which you can view in my last blahg, CHRISTMAS IS WHAT YOU MAKE IT.  Here’s the remastered version: 


   Finally, we come to the official “THE FALSE DUCKS VIDEO BLAHG #4: OH, DIDN’T I RAMBLE”.  I think it speaks for itself or I speak for myself…oh you know what I mean: 


   Now, one last thing I will add is a song to go along with the title of this blahg.  There is a great jazz standard called “Oh, Didn’t He Ramble”.  My title is a riff on that song title.  Of course “riff” is also a music term of you’re in the know like hep cats like me.  Give a listen to the Preservation Hall Jazz Band and their version of “Oh, Didn’t He Ramble”: 


So the year begins!  Happy New Year!