Posts Tagged ‘Is it me?’


Thursday, May 2nd, 2024

   Well, it’s the first day of May 2024 and I have a big question to ask.Scott is still cool  IS IT ME?  I guess I would also have to ask WHY IS IT NOT ME?  I’ve been writing these blahgs for over 12 years.  It will be 13 years in October.  One of the biggest questions I have about that is if anyone is reading this?  I know in the past that some people have.  After writing a three part blahg series on Linda Keene, TRACING LINDA KEENE, PART 1: THE FLORENCE SUTTLE YEARS, TRACING LINDA KEENE, PART 2: THE MOMENT IN MY LIFE, TRACING LINDA KEENE, PART 3: ONE MORE FOR THE ROAD, I was contacted by Fresh Sound Records about providing liner notes for their new 2 CD set of Linda Keene which you can check out here:  At least that came of one reader.  Is there anyone else out there? 

   I’ve mentioned before about my daily posts to a Sinatra list group where I posted about what Sinatra did on each calendar of the year.  For a while, there have been some gaps in our listings of concerts when Sinatra was touring with Tommy Dorsey in 1940, 1941, and 1942. Recently I cam across some interesting news articles that document a Dorsey/Sinatra concert at a Bus Terminal of all places.  Here’s that listing:

–May 8, 1941, Consolidated Bus Lines Terminal, Bluefield, West Virginia
Tommy Dorsey and His Orchestra with Frank Sinatra

Here’s the accompanying news articles: 

I went a little further and did some research and found the following photo and text from the book “Bluefield in the 1940s”: 

TWO TO CROON. Frank Sinatra (right) and trumpet great Ziggy Elman posed for this publicity photograph by J.Vincent Lewis of Nunnaly’s Studio at408 Raleigh Street prior to a concert by the Tommy Dorsey Orchestra on May 8, 1941. The concert was held at Jack Craft’s Consolidated Bus Terminal at 2100Princeton Avenue. (Courtesy of Bluefield Daily Telegraph archives.)

I thought that the listing and the photo were significant enough that I would get some reaction or comments from our Sinatraphiles group.  Nothing.  So, I have to ask the question again, Is It Me? 

   My previous blahg to this one, THE HOHNER COMET, debuted my new short story by that name.  I posted about it on my Facebook page and even sent it to my children.  Again, nothing.  At this point, the only one who responded is my wife because I read the story to her.  I’m not looking for instant gratification but some acknowledgement would be nice. 

   I realize the phrase, “Is It Me?” should be followed by “or” in most cases.  Like, Is it Me or has the world gotten more hostile?  Why are Countries fighting with each other?  Wasn’t there two world wars to stop other countries from bullying those around them?  Or Is It Me or is there nothing good on television anymore?  There isn’t.  I like 9-1-1, Abbott Elementary, and a new show called “Elsbeth.”  If you really want to know what I’m watching, check out a couple of recent blahgs where I talk about movies I’ve been watching, HAVE YOU WATCHED ANY GOOD MOVIES LATELY? and SCOTT, YOUR CORDIAL MOVIE REVIEWER.  I’m going to update that soon because I’ve continued to watch a number of the other DVDs I purchase recently including some Sonja Henie films.

Sonja Henie films

I didn’t think I would enjoy these films but I have and I’m going to finish watching all of her available films.  I think there’s 12 and I only have a couple left to view.

   Is It Me or is there is there too much anger and sadness and anxiety or depression in the world or are we getting better at spotting it?  The past could of days my work has been very troubling because people are holding onto old hatreds and want to trot them out to stir up new ones.  Even our politicians are guilty of promoting hatred and ill manners.  When the leader of the Conservative Party of Canada, Pierre Poilievre is ejected from Parliament for calling our Prime-minister “wacko” and refuses to take back his comment, it doesn’t set any good example.  And then his caucus walks out in support?  What are you supporting, the bad behaviour of your leader?  Grow up people!  Is it me or have Canadians stopped being nice?.  Isn’t that our stock and trade, being nice?

The Canadian Mob

   I choose to put my energy into acknowledging the good that people do.  I’d like to hear from you.  Give me your good…not your good, your bad, and your ugly.